Harlee Jean Dallas Escort - Interview

Admin | 01 Sep 2024 - 09:00
Harlee Jean Dallas Escort - Interview

Q:Do you have a list of clients that you see regularly that you have formed a special bond with? Would you feel 'cheated' if they saw another girl like how hairdressers get mad at you if you get your hair cut somewhere else?

A:I have a few that I have bonded with. Would I feel cheated? Probably not cause that's just how the game is played. I'm one of the most laid back, easy going people you'll ever meet. So, I would feel cheated if I was dating the person and they met me doing this, but then went out and was with a different provider...then yea I would feel cheated!!!!

Q:How do you handle first-timers or those who have limited experience with escort services? What are your suggestions to such clients to make your encounter the most enjoyable?

A:I get them to talk to me and to feel comfortable. I also laugh and joke a lot. I'll usually explain how things work or I just try to make them feel as comfortable as possible and make them realize that there's no judgement at all on my end for whatever fantasy or fetish they may have

Q:If a client decided to make you a present, what would you be happy to receive? What is your wish-list (maybe flowers, lingerie, parfume, music albums, books etc.)?

A:So, I have one regular that ALWAYS brings me something whether it be clothes, shoes, lingerie etc etc I love to color so maybe adult coloring books, or Prisma colored pencils or anything to do ya know with arts and crafts. Or lingerie. I'm very flattered when anyone brings me anything :) I think it's a sweet gesture.

Q:What makes you notable among other providers? What exactly, you believe, you're good at? What makes your service unique? What is your favorite kind of service?

A:I'm good at making clients feel comfortable first off. Someone don't feel comfortable, it can throw the whole damn appointment off and that's no fun for either party. What makes my appointments unique...besides the fact because I'm me? Lol, I treat people how I would want to be treated in a situation like this. My favorite kind of service is either being an unlicensed therapist and I also like the appointments where all parties are satisfied and they make another appointment to come back and see me.

Q:How do you prefer a client to make an appointment? What information is important for you? Is screening required before the appointment?

A:Yes, I'm by appointment only. I get ya know the usual name, age, what they're looking for as far as activity wise and I screen as much as I can.

Q:Do you ever get nervous before meeting a client? Is it kind of like preparing for a first date?

A:I get HELLA nervous. Only because I'm a little shy by nature. But I'm talented in getting clients to open up and talk and that tends to make them feel more comfortable.

Q:What sort of personality qualities does someone need to possess to be a successful escort?

A:PERSONALITY!!!! Also, be firm cause sometimes if you give someone an inch, they'll try and take as many miles as they can get so you have to be firm in your donations, and what you will and will not put up with.

Q:If someone wished to become an escort, how would you recommend they go about it?

A:Come hang with me for a week lol If you know an escort then ask questions and make your decision based on the information you've gathered.

Q:What are your dreams, future goals and aspirations? Short and long term?

A:I want to buy a house eventually. And I would like to go back to school to be an educator for either 1st or 3rd grade students.

Q:What types of clients do you deny to meet? Are there any restrictions?

A:I usually go by guy feeling a lot of times. Or if the client is just to adamant to meet or they don't answer the questions I have. My safety comes first and I have any inclination something isn't right, I won't see the person and block them.

Q:What is the strangest request you have ever had from a client?

A:Ha, one client asked me to physically hurt him to where he wouldn't be able to get it up anymore. And it wasn't just that, he went into explicit details on how he wanted it done!

Q:Can you tell us a bit about your first escort job?

A:It was with a foreigner, I think he was from the Middle East somewhere but he wasn't very nice and tried to be rough with me. The session ended early and I threw him out because he was trying to be so rough and just his attitude in general!!!

Q:What did you want to be when you were growing up?

A:I wanted to be a peds doctor (baby doctor for y'all who don't know) and work with handicapped kids.

Q:Has being an escort changed your view of men?

A:Yes and No. I didn't know that people in general could be as heartless as some are.

Q:How long have you been working as an escort?

A:6 1/2 years

Q:How did you get into the escort business?

A:I had a roommate at the time that I didn't know she was an escort. I found out through a mutual friend of ours. I was tight for money and so I went to her asking questions. She said she wasn't gonna encourage or discourage me either way that I should sleep on it. I slept on it for about 4 months. I bit the bullet and she gave me a small rundown of the lingo and the do's, the don't s, the will's, the won't s.

Q:What's the best bit about being an escort?

A:Of course the money aspect of it. Sometimes it's meeting new people since I'm a total people person.

Q:What don't you like about being an escort?

A:The games that some of the customers play.

Q:How often do you work per week?

A:I usually work whenever someone calls me and wants to come by and chill. Unless I'm just absolutely busy and either can't make it back to the hotel or something comes up.

Q:What are your turn-offs?

A:Narcissistic guys that are arrogant

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