A Wild Bachelor Party

No one would ever believe my story if I told it, even my clients do not believe it when I tell them I wanted to be a doctor when I was growing up. Sometimes I enjoy seeing the shock on people’s faces when I tell them I was actually in medical school before I became a Houston Escort!
This other day I was hired by a group of young doctors who were having a bachelor party for one of their doctor friends and I should say I had the greatest time. It’s true what they say, doctors are really fun people to hang out with…if you understand them. It was one of my most memorable experiences, I was initially hired to serve drinks and be a strip dealer for their game of poker but the way the night ended couldn’t have been any better.
The game of poker was going on amazingly, the boys were having a blast and every time one of them won a hand with a full house I would remove a piece of clothing for them. I was down to my bra and panties when the groom-to-be went all in and lost all his chips! That meant he was out of the game, since he was the groom-to-be, his friends suggested he gets a lap dance as a consolation. I was quick to agree, frankly the guy was super cute and I could see the effect of my sexy underwear from the big bulge on his jeans.
As expected he refused the idea and shut it down, his friends couldn’t get him to agree, what a strong guy I thought, he had a hard on for me but he wouldn’t agree to get a lap dance…the bride to be was a lucky woman!
We continued to play different drinking games and I joined them in making medical jokes which amused them, they all wanted to know how a Houston escort knew so much about medicine. I refused to tell them at first, they kept pressing for details until one of them removed a bunch of 100 dollar bills and slipped them in my lace panties, every one of them removed their wallets and stuffed bills in my undies. I was now compelled to tell them my little secret. I told them I was in medical school for a while and had to drop out because I couldn’t afford the fees and the escort business was much more fun and better paying. They were shocked but I wasn’t surprised since that was a reaction I always got whenever I told my story.
Eventually all the guys knocked out from the shots they were taking…all of them except the groom-to-be. I decided that was my chance to finally see what was going on down this fine doctor’s pants. I convinced him that it was my duty never to leave a bachelor’s party without giving the groom to be a lap dance. I told him since everyone was knocked out it would be our own little secret; no one would ever know.
He agreed and we moved into another room, closed the door and I played one of my favorite sensual songs on my phone. I started off dancing slowly and teasing him, even though I wanted to jump on him and grind my ass on his groin I decided to take it slow least I scared him off.
By the time I got to grind on him, I could tell there was no way he was going to reject my advances. He was clearly very aroused and so was I. I decide to let him know how much I wanted him, I took his hand and placed it in between my legs. The minute he touched me my lady juices poured out, he felt it and pulled me towards him. I sat on his lap, my legs wide open… he slipped his hand into my panties and the world began to spin.
We fucked for a good while, all the time trying so hard not to make too much noise. After we were done he confessed that he wanted me from the minute he saw me. He had a great time with me and tipped me well. I was just happy I got to have sex with a fine doctor, but I accepted the huge tip anyway.

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