AmyTaylor Escort - Interview

Q:Do you have a list of clients that you see regularly that you have formed a special bond with? Would you feel 'cheated' if they saw another girl like how hairdressers get mad at you if you get your hair cut somewhere else?
A:I don't own men; they do what they want. Obviously I want them to see me and prefer they spend their time with me and not others, if I like them (this is my livelihood, and earning a living is easier when clients stay loyal)...but I'm under no delusion that I can force them to do anything. I do the best I can, I hope they return, most do and a few haven't, and that's life.
Q:How do you handle first-timers or those who have limited experience with escort services? What are your suggestions to such clients to make your encounter the most enjoyable?
A:I've met several first-timers; was always fine! I suggest to them, like all others, to read my website carefully and follow all the instructions (I built it to make things easier, and if they don't want to do things this way, no problem but we will never meet). If they can calmly put me at ease by following simple policies that keep us both alive (literally), I'll handle the rest and they'll have a thrilling time. It's quite easy, truly.
Q:If a client decided to make you a present, what would you be happy to receive? What is your wish-list (maybe flowers, lingerie, parfume, music albums, books etc.)?
A:I have a wish list on my site; all gifts are always welcome, but the clients who know me know exactly what I want the most. Fans also send things often, which is always sweet...every gesture is lovely.
Q:What makes you notable among other providers? What exactly, you believe, you're good at? What makes your service unique? What is your favorite kind of service?
A:I'm not sure anything; there are lots of fantastic escorts. However, I really am a published model (many escorts claim this, but I can prove that I've been in and on Playboy, Maxim, and Esquire, as well as dozens of other major magazines), so I may be a bit prettier than the average (there are some prettier than me). Additionally, I really am a commercial pilot, MBA and MENSA member (I can verify these as well) that might be somewhat rare? And lastly, my long vacation trip rates are lower than anyone else of even remotely similar quality, because when I meet men I adore I really want to travel the world with them (so I designed rates to make luxurious trips, which are expensive for men to plan, affordable at least when paying my rates in addition to suites, jets, meals, shopping, etc.). I am not available for long trips with anyone I don't absolutely love seeing, but when we're compatible, I'm the most affordable high-quality option around. That's's not just about money for me, if a man is fantastic.
Q:How do you prefer a client to make an appointment? What information is important for you? Is screening required before the appointment?
A:They must use my website, properly and completely. There is no other way, and all who can't or won't do it are ignored. Every single detail there was created because it's vital for both his and my safety and happiness. None of it is useless or negotiable, and I don't entertain power struggles when our lives are on the line. It's quite simple if they don't make drama of it...helps me easily see who's kind and logical, vs. who's crazy and not worth my time. Has worked very well to keep me only around the best men on earth.
Q:Do you ever get nervous before meeting a client? Is it kind of like preparing for a first date?
A:I haven't met a new client in a long time now, but sure. It is not like preparing for a first date (there is far more risk), so it's far scarier. And because the man is attracted to and chose me but I've chosen him for his providership (not necessarily my attraction to him, beyond my need to find him basically kind and decent enough to see), I'm not quite as physically excited. Chemistry comes later, after I've known a man for many the beginning, I'm there to make someone happy and get back home safely. Feeling like he's an exciting date comes after I know him a lot better.
Q:What sort of personality qualities does someone need to possess to be a successful escort?
A:Be smart (vital), tough when needed but kind when possible, giving to those who deserve it but very selfish to those who try to take advantage. Be an extrovert, continue to be invested in yourself (your health, hobbies, brain, all the things that make you marketable and happy). And learn to love serving one's a good enough actress to fake it for long.
Q:If someone wished to become an escort, how would you recommend they go about it?
A:I wouldn't recommend it. While parts of it are fantastic, the costs are high. I'd recommend they spend all the time and effort on something that has a longer future and less risk. While I'm in it now for good, and I've managed to survive OK, I cannot ethically advise this as a career choice, because of the bad things that invariably do happen in addition to all the good that can occur.
Q:What are your dreams, future goals and aspirations? Short and long term?
A:To continue to be as happy as I am now, in whatever way I decide works for me at that time. We will see, as life changes, what I want to do. I don't worry about it too far, so good!
Q:What types of clients do you deny to meet? Are there any restrictions?
A:Men who don't behave respectfully, and men who plan to see me only once. My restrictions are anything that wastes my time or causes my life drama.
Q:What is the strangest request you have ever had from a client?
A:A client I've actually seen? They're not too strange (just your standard variation, nothing really too bizarre). But in my email, I get absolutely horrid and disgusting emails every single day. If you can think of it, I've been asked to do it, LOL. None of these people ever get anywhere near me, obviously.
Q:Can you tell us a bit about your first escort job?
A:Sure! It was a fantastic evening with a fantastic man who I still see. A magical, luxurious date that I couldn't believe I got paid for (since it was better than the way men treated me when they weren't paying me).
Q:What did you want to be when you were growing up?
A:A scientist (I did that after undergrad; hated the low income). I've checked that box, I'm proud I did, but I like this life better.
Q:Has being an escort changed your view of men?
A:I adore them more; I understand their needs in a way that non-escorts don't, and the honesty is easier and more fun.
Q:How long have you been working as an escort?
A:Over a decade now. It's my calling, and I'm proud to do this work.
Q:How did you get into the escort business?
A:I had a friend in undergrad who was doing it, and a few years later when I was in graduate school, I found myself single, lonely, and broke, so it seemed like the perfect time to try it!
Q:What's the best bit about being an escort?
A:Easy question: freedom. Not being dependent on a husband or society's horridly limited rules for women's lives.
Q:What don't you like about being an escort?
A:Answering annoying emails from people wasting my time; dealing with people who want to control and profit off me (and who want to harm me if I don't obey and provide them income).
Q:How often do you work per week?
A:Depends...sometimes not at all, sometimes a few days.
Q:What are your turn-offs?
A:bigotry, poor hygeine, Trump fans.

Q:What are your turn-offs?
A:Bad hygiene
Q:How often do you work per week?
A:Not often, 3-5 nights a week.
Q:How did you get into the escort business?
A:I was traveling with a gir...
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Q:Do you have a list of clients that you see regularly that you have formed a special bond with? Would you feel 'cheated' if they saw another girl like how hairdressers get mad at you if you g...
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Q:Do you have a list of clients that you see regularly that you have formed a special bond with? Would you feel 'cheated' if they saw another girl like how hairdressers get mad at you if you g...
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